Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jack White's Label And How They Value Vinyl

Jack White's Label And How They Value Vinyl: "

There are few artists of this generation that embody the old spirit of making music, the same spirit that has defined the greatest records of the last 50 years. It's about attitude, persistence, integrity, and an overall appreciation for what music is, and how much it means to the people who care for it. There is no better "old soul" in current music than Jack White. He's just the kind of that guy that gets everything right, whether you love or hate his projects, you have to respect what he's doing as an artist, industry executive and producer. 

This is why we were delighted to stumble upon a great interview that Collectors Weekly recently posted with Jack White's head of vinyl production at Third Man, Ben Blackwell. It has some excellent descriptions of the vinyl making process as well as what they personally value at Third Man. The best part just might be the response that Ben Blackwell gives in the comment section to some dude who was complaining about using digital audio masters on vinyl, classic stuff!

Check out the whole thing here.


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